How to make a turkey
Turkey Recipes
Turkey Trimmings
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Welcome to How to Make a Turkey

Whether you are hosting your first Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner or your thirty-first, these hints, turkey tips, turkey recipes, and shortcuts on how to make a turkey will make hosting this traditional American turkey dinner effortless. In fact, so effortless you may find yourself making a turkey dinner with all the trimmings on any day!

A History of turkey as a meal...

Turkeys are traditionally cooked as the main course of Christmas dinner and Thanksgiving feasts in much of the world (traditional stuffed turkey). This tradition of making a turkey has its origins in modern times, rather than colonial as people often assume. Before the 20th century, pork ribs were one of the most common foods on the holidays, since the pigs were usually slaughtered in November. Turkeys were once so abundant in the wild that they were eaten often throughout the year, whereas pork ribs were rarely available outside of the holiday season. Turkey dinner has commonly replaced the traditional Christmas roast goose or roast beef of the United Kingdom and Europe. While eating a turkey dinner was once mainly restricted to special occasions, turkey dinner is now eaten year-round in many delicious forms!

The turkey is raised throughout temperate parts of the world and is now a very popular form of poultry. Industrialized farming has made it very affordable for the amount of meat it produces. The female domesticated turkey is referred to as a hen and the chick as a poult. In the United States, the male is referred to as a tom, while in Europe, the male is a stag. The average lifespan for a domesticated turkey is ten years.

Browse our website for all sorts of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Holiday meal tips for when it comes to preparing your turkey dinner and learning how to make a turkey! Do you have a unique turkey recipe or idea for turkey? We would love to hear it! Please contact how to make a turkey today!

How to make a turkey



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